All in Reflections

The Garden

He took the shard in his left hand and with his right hand he launched a smooth stone toward the strange animal. With a thud, the stone found its target, causing the thing to cry out before laying still again.

No One

His name caught in my throat. The air had shifted, transformed. There was a buoyancy that seemed to pull me upwards, out of my body, out of the diner. I was meant for more than Medford, more than waitressing. I wouldn’t struggle like my Mother had. This meeting was sure to change things. Everything, in fact.

Esther 4:14

My mouth opens and then closes again. I know my friend. It will come out soon enough. She shares bits about her week; She tells me a story about her co-workers. I chime in with words of affirmation, waiting patiently.

The Talk

You can tell by the set of his jaw that he is a serious man. His tie hangs loose around his neck; his laptop bag sits patiently on the floor. The familiar trill of jazz notes climbs up and down the walls. The man enjoys the way his wife moves about the kitchen, not yet noticing him.